Businesses that Support
our Performances

Kaci Guilford, MA, LPC, ACS
2640 W. 28th Ave, Denver, CO 80211
(720)-515-6710 | www.kaciguilford.com
Mental health for dancer, stress, injury, performance, body image
Women's issues, including disordered eating, body image
EMDR and trauma-based therapy
Life Transitions & Relational Issues
Using the Enneagram and IFS approach to navigate self and relationships
Spiritual counseling
Couples and pre-martial counseling, based on the Prepare-Enrich curriculum
Please link your loyalty card to us! CBA & Ballet Melange will get a donation from King Soopers every time you shop at no cost to you! It is a fast and easy way to benefit your dancer’s performances while just doing what we all do every week - buy groceries!
It's easy to sign up!
Go to www.kingsoopers.com/communityrewards and, if you don't already have one, create an online account that can be tied to your King Soopers' Loyalty Card. Select "Ballet Melange" (also identified under Non Profit # WR612) as your Community Rewards recipient.